W E B S I T E D E S I G N E D A N D H O S T E D B Y | B R A N D Z 1 3 | A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D | C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 1 4
Gutter and the Onslaught - Debut album Montage. The album was recorded at Redneknation Productions and Recording Studio. Produced by Justin Cox. Mixed by Justin Cox and Michael Rupe.
Her Last Breath - A sister project to one of Idaho's prolific groups Break The Broken. Fronted by Todd Thompson the band is currently performing all over Idaho Falls and beyond.
Shattered Aftermath - Interesting meld of classic progressive metal mixed with musical emotion that sends you into a mental journey.
Children Of Abandonment - 5 piece band out of Idaho Falls ID bringing back the old Thrash/Death Genre of kick ass metal.
WYDELL - Is a power-house trio hailing from Idaho Falls, ID with styles ranging from hard rock, heavy metal, punk, country, funk and other dynamic sounds.
Corona Borealis - Is a four-piece progressive metal band from Idaho, USA, looking to inspire people and melt faces all at the same time.
Todd Thompson - Lead vocalist for Her Last Breath, Is a local songwriter and front man.
The Hellcat Crooners -These 2 cats arise from the desert of Idaho Falls to perform acoustic classics/ originals that every soul can sway to. Rock/Country/Surfabilly/Punk/Folk
END OF ARCANE- Local Idaho Falls Idaho "Melt your Face" Metal band, consists of a dual guitar attack with heavy vocals and melodic verses.